This Friday, I am going to touch again on Wednesday's post. All of us have photos from way back when. It doesn't cost a dime to share your history.
First, scan the pictures into your computer to save them. Make sure each scan is labeled with who and when. Years from now, your children/grandchildren will need that information for the photo to have meaning.
Second, set some time aside and share the photos and the stories with your family. As in the picture I posted on Wednesday, I have no idea why all three couples are in the same picture. Was it a triple wedding? Were photos so expensive that they took one together to afford it? They are all gone now so I may never know.
Third, offers a free trial. Use that free trial to learn as much of your history during that period as you can. Be careful, though! Once that free trial expires, Ancestry will IMMEDIATELY charge your credit card! If all you want is the free trial, make sure you cancel before it expires. The family tree you have created during the trial is, however, saved for you to view without having to pay.
These old photos are your heritage. Share them, enjoy them, and feel the love in the memories. Love doesn't cost a thing.
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