Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hump Day

Halfway through the week, I feel like it's getting away from me.  Writing seems to be tough this week...I think my muse is on vacation!  She seriously needs to get her butt back to work, my brain hurts!

As I said yesterday, I took a day unplugged.  I'm still trying to catch up on that, also.  I've managed to break three nails and I have no idea how.  I have a lump on the back of my head that I have no clue where or what I did.  I'm missing about 10 hours sleep and I'm a tad bit fuzzy today.

So the week is on the downhill slide.  I want to enjoy my weekend so it's time to shake off these doldrums and get myself back on track.  I think I'll start with an ice pack on the back of my head!

What do you do to shake off the blahs?  I need ideas!!


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