Monday, January 26, 2015

Savoring Life

Too often, we get wrapped up in the minutiae of every day life.  There are a million little things every day that make life special.

The other day, I woke up to a special gift.  As I started my day, I went to turn on my laptop.  Sitting on the keyboard was a bag of cotton candy.  I am a cotton candy addict!  The night before, my son had gone to the store and picked up a bag, just to put a smile on my face.  It worked!

This is a little thing that, in reality, was a huge thing.  Knowing that someone took the time to think about me means the world.  That is what savoring life is...appreciating each and every little moment and taking them to heart.  

Take a look back at the last couple of days.  I know you'll be surprised at just how many of these little minutes actually happened.  Now take a minute to savor them.


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