Monday, January 5, 2015

Now The Hard Part

It is past New Year's Day.  I have made my resolution.  Now comes the hard part.  

The standing joke, of course, is that most resolutions do not last past the first couple weeks of the year.  I have been guilty of that along with most other people.  How do I change that pattern?  How do I make the commitment stick?

First, I chose a resolution that, while not physically intensive, does require work on my part.  My resolution is to love the woman in my mirror.  It sounds simple enough, until you actually start the work.

My first steps have been small things to make my daily life easier, to allow time to focus on myself, and to remind myself how grateful I am for the things I have right now.  

To make my daily life easier, I have gone back to my use of a household manual.  I have used one in the past to manage menu planning, grocery lists, and my collection of never-ending to-do lists.  I already feel less stressed.

To allow time to focus on myself, I am setting aside 30 minutes each day.  Currently, that thirty minutes is spent on the treadmill, but I hope to increase both the time on the treadmill and the time spent on things I enjoy.

Being grateful for small blessings has been the easist thing to keep up with so far.  I have created a Happiness Jar and and putting a blessing in the jar each day.  It does my heart good just to see the little papers building up.

Stay tuned!


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