Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dinner for Less

With all the media attention on couponing, everyone is pretty familiar with that method of saving on your grocery budget.  Through time and experience, I've learned one sure-fire method for saving money at the dinner table.

Stop being a short-order cook!

A dinner menu for the typical American family should consist of two choices:  Take it or Leave it!!  The amount of extra expense and time spent in trying to cater to individual tastes is astronomical.

When did it become standard practice for a child to demand a separate menu?  Did I miss the evolutionary change where they became the parents and make all the decisions?  While they may not like everything on their plate, it won't kill them to try new foods.  In the end, a parent less stressed by trying to cater to children actually has more time and energy to spend with that same child.

Set your menu for the week.  Do your shopping according to that week's sales and your menu.  Stick to it!!  And watch your time in the kitchen go down while your savings go up.

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