Wednesday, July 29, 2015


We have nested and rearranged.  Now it is time to prioritize.

Let's go back to your calendar.  You've already rearranged it, combining some items and eliminating others.  It is time, now, to prioritize what is left.

Believe it or not, not everything has to be done right now.  There are items on everyone's calendar and to-do list that can either wait or not be done at all.  In addition, delegation can be a powerful tool. 

That is not to say that there are not items that must be done.  Grocery shopping, work, and medical appointments are must-dos.  However, combining a mundane errand with a must-do is not only efficient but also knocks out two birds with one stone.

Delegate, delegate, delegate!  If an item or task is not something that can only be done by you, delegate it to another member of your household!  By prioritizing what you absolutely must do, you let go of what you SHOULD do.  This frees up time, energy, and attention that can be spent on the people you love and the activities in which you love to participate.

I, personally, have the habit of making every item on my to-do list into a must-do.  The truth is that every item is not a must-do.  I am, however, learning to ask with help knocking the list out with those items I can delegate.

It is time to prioritize.  Never forget that YOU are on the top of that list!!


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