Fear is a powerful force in nature. It is all too easy to give in, to let it take control, and let it run your life. I know that I, personally, have let fear rule more times than I should have in my life. I finally had to make a conscious decision that I would push back.
Next weekend, I plan on confronting two big ones head-on. There is a very high bridge running over water between two towns here on the Coast. I HATE high bridges. I also have a very healthy fear of heights. Next weekend, I want to walk the bridge. There is a special walkway built onto the bridge for walkers and I am planning on walking across and back.
Now for full disclosure...I do plan on dragging my big, strong, 6 foot 5 inch son along with me. While I am confronting my fears, I am not brave enough to do so without backup!! My thought is that if I freeze, he can drag me!!
What fear are you ready to face? Go for it!!
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