Monday, June 15, 2015

Always Busy

Last week, a friend told me she thought I was always busy so I could avoid dating.  She may have had a point!

Dating after 50 is definitely a unique experience.  While I have my career and home, it seems there is a large population of men in this age range who still haven't found their place in the world.  Whether unemployed or job-hopping, stability does not seem to be a prevalent trait.

I am at the point in my life where stability and peace are my preferred states of being.  My children are grown, and I have no interest in raising a husband.  I would like to be the "cared for" rather than the caretaker.  Is that a lot to ask?

I have discussed this with friends my age.  It seems that locale is not a determining factor.  I am not, by far, the only woman who has had this difficulty.  Like a number of my friends, staying home and staying busy has not only become a viable option; it has risen to be the preferable one.

I am not a hermit, but I could be!!  


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